<2024> All those little things, Kalfayan galleries, Athens, Greece <2020> Zeit,Projectroom R17 Experimental Zone, Berlin <2018> Please! Material and immaterial call, Kalfayan Galleries, Athens <2017> Screenings from Film „Armenoscope. Constructing belonging“ in cinemas and universities around the world. (Berlin, Paris, New York, Illinois, Bielefeld and Marseille)<2016> Verstrickungen, Auguste Bebel Institut, Berlin <2015> Aferim Yavrum – Kleine Gesten der Annäherung, August Bebel Institut, Berlin <2014> Memory without a place at DEPO, Istanbul and Surp Giragos Church, Diyarbakir <2013> Erinnerung ohne Ort, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin | Mjasin Veflechtungen Exhibition/dance performance at Ballhausnaunynstrasse <2011>Auch Bäume können fliegen, ECCHR, Berlin, <2010>Aferim Yavrum, Little Gestures of Cooperation, BM SUMA, Istanbul, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin, KARDES, InteriorDAseinNET, Berlin, <2009> Gallery K9 Aktuelle Kunst, Hannover, Germany <2006> Siempreviva, Klosterruine, Berlin, <2005>RECONOCER, Galerie ELSI del RIO, Buenos Aires, <2004>The dream collection, Laboratorio Berlin, Instituto Cervantes, Berlin <2003> Galerie Raskolnikow, Dresden, A.L.M.A Museum, Watertown MA, U.S.A; <2002>The texture of the identity, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires <2001>Subjektive Eindrücke, C.C. Borges, Buenos Aires; Migraciones urbanas, Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires
<2024> Before, After: Reflections on the Armenian Genocide LA and New Jersey | „Thresholds“ Gorki Theater, Berlin | RE:Visionen - 20 Jahre Kunstverein Tiergarten (Berlin) <2023> "Mediterráneo, un mar redondo", ARCO Artfair, Madrid, "Realities left vacant" N.B.K. , Berlin, MOVED, what my bones know, Galerie Nord, Berlin <2022> "CONSTRUCT YOUR STORIES II", Falkenrot Preis, Künstlerhaus Bethanien , "Twister", ngbk, 'for Civilisation’ - The Great War in the Middle East 1914-1923, The Flanders Fields Museum, Belgium, NATURE AND STATE, Kunsthalle Baden Baden, HANDMADE: ON THE SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF CRAFT, A collaboration between the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (ΕΜΣΤ) and the Schwarz Foundation, (Upcoming in September) Deeply Rooted, Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin, "DURCH UND DURCH" Vitrine am Zoo | Atrans, Kunst im Offentlichen Raum, Berlin <2021>"Sprachlosigkeit, das laute Verstummen, Japanisches Palais, Dresden, Preview and Predict, Kalfayan Galleries, Athens, "State and Nature", Kunsthalle Baden Baden, Festival Bosporus, Kunstamt Kreuzberg, "Ein Knothen im Hals" WUK, Wien <2020>"School Photos and Their Afterlives", Hood Museum, USA, Frieze London Art fair, SHARJAH FILM PLATFORM, Sharjah <2019>The Armory show, New York, Art Basel, Hong Kong, Miart, Milan Art fair, Italy <2018> HELLO WORLD! Revisioning a collection, Hamburger Bahnhof | Non Linear Histories, L.A. Glendale Library (USA), Art Basel Miami, USA Art Athina, Athens Art Dubai, Dubai <2017> Thread, Kalfayan Galleries Athens <2016> CMYK, Cavuspace, Berlin | DAO (Dilijan Art Observatory) Dilijan, Armenia. Erinnerung und Gerechtigkeit, Akademie der Künste, Berlin | Traumorte, Museum für Europäische Kulturen, Berlin | From Generation to Generation, Jewish Museum, San Francisco <2015> Armenity, Armenian Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennial |A toast to Mnemosyne, in the Festival “It snows in April”, Maxim Gorki Theater,Berlin | Grandchildren, new geographies of belonging, DEPO, Istanbul | Mobilizing Memory, at WUK, Wien | Collaborative Archives: Connective Histories, at Columbia University‘s Leroy Neiman Gallery | Art & memory, Kevorkian Center gallery, NYU, New York <2014> Nereye? Experimental street theater, Istanbul | Verstrickungen, exhibition performance at Europe 14/14 at Gorki Theater, Berlin | Mobilizing Memory: Women Witnessing, Istanbul <2013> Herbstsalon, Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin | Heute, hier/ Bügün burada, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin <2012> §301 Die Beleidigte Nation, Ballahaus Naunynystrasse, Berlin | 10th Filmmor Women Film Festival, Istanbul, FLYING, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin <2011>, Runnerspoint, InteriorDAseinNET, Berlin <2010, Whatch the gap, InteriorDAseinNET, Berlin><2009>, Thisplaced, real, virtual, In between, Tallinn City Gallery, Filmmor Film Festival Istanbul, Voulou/Obligé at Krossing, Collateral Event in the 53rd Venice Biennial> <2008> “Obscurum per obscurious”, Tallinn Art Hall, Estonia, Biennial Teheran, Istanbul><Tehran roaming biennale, Istanbul><New Berlin Festival, Berlin><Kahvehane, Theaterproject Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Berlin> <2007, Visual Dialog: Under_construction, Mekhitarist Monastery, Venice, „Reality crossings”, 2. International Photo Festival, Mannheim, Ludwigshafen, Heidelberg> <2006>, Artfair ARTEBA 06 with Gallery Elsi del Rio, Buenos Aires, 9. Biennale Gyumri, Armenia/ Zona de Trânsito, Cervantes Institut, São Paulo, Zona efímera> <2005>, Las lloronas del arte, Performance/Film with lab Berlin, Prima Center Gallery, Berlin, ARTEBA05, Buenos Aires, “The free will”, Bunker in the Arena, Berlin, Urban realities: Focus Istanbul, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, “Heimat: Inbetween”, Hamburg, “Corrosión”, Uberlandia, Brazil,“Always visible”, Sao Paulo> <2004>, Evita: un Escudo, Senate from Buenos Aires, “Ciclo” with Imaginary Line, C.C. Sao Paulo, Brazil, Print Triennial, InExile, Center for Contemporary arts, Tallinn, Eastland, Paradies Projekt, Kunstsalon, Berlin, Armenian linking, Prima Center Gallery, Berlin> <2003>, A.L.M.A Museum, Boston, U.S.A., Presentation evening, “Getting closer” IFA Galerie, Berlin, Escape Point Project with “Imaginary Line”, Galeria Marta Traba, Memorial de America Latina, Sao Paulo, PARADISE, Bunker am Alexander Platz, Berlin > <2002,> ARVEST, Blue Whale Building, Los Angeles, Significans, NGBK, Berlin > <2001>- Argentinian artist on the mirror, coop. project between the Goethe Institut/ Argentinian Embassy, Berlin>
<2007> Visual Dialog: Under_construction, Mekhitarist Monastery, Venice, Italy <2008>ArMAR ARMENIA, Group Video Exhibition, Centro Cultural Armenio, Buenos Aires, Argentina <2009> Thisplaced, real, virtual, In between, Tallinn City Gallery, Voulu/Obligé - Krossing, Collateral Event at the 53rd Venice Biennial <2015> A toast to Mnemosyne, Festival It snows in April, Maxim Gorki theater, Grandchildren, new geographies of belonging, DEPO Istanbul, <2016> CMYK, Cavuspace, Berlin
<2022> Arbeitsstipendium von Berliner Senat für Kultur, Grant "Art Yevs" for art production, Gulbenkian Foundation <2021> Falkenrot Preis award <2020> Scholarship Stiftung Kunstfonds, Tarabya Alumni Fonds, Special Prize in the category documentary Sharjah Film Festival <2019>Catalogue funding from Senate for Culture, Berlin <2015> Participation at Armenity, awarded with Golden Lion for the best National Representation, the Armenian Pavilion in the 56th Venice Biennial <2014/2015> Residency Kultur Akademie Tarabya, Istanbul, Anadolu Kultür, Gulbenkian Foundation, Heinrich Böll Foundation, German Foreign Ministry <2012/12013> Heinrich Böll Foundation, Grant for intercultural exchange from the City
of Berlin <2010>, Grant SOROS FOUNDATION, Grant Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Grant IFA ZIVIK (German foreign Ministery <2008>Grant Toufenkian Foundation, Exploring the Ground in Berg Karabagh, Armenia, <2007 Award von EFC, European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam, Holland <2002- 2. Place, Exhibition: It’s all about a dream? WilhelmFabry-Museum, Hilden, Germany>
2011 Presentation at the Event: Conflict Intervention through artistic actions? IFA Zivik, Berlin, 2010 <Organisation Workshop Aferim Yavrum, Istanbul><Performance The texture of Absence at the Hrant Dink Memorial Workshop, Istanbul, Presentation “Flowing Remanents- Integrating the absence” at the Workshop “What is Left Behind: The Remnants of Past Inhabitants and their Place in Turkey’s Present”, Sabanci University, Istanbul, 2008- <Participation in a Face to face Meeting in Amsterdam, organized by Ong Keng Sen and the European Cultural Foundation> <Presentation in the conference “Speaking Beyond Living Room Walls: The Armenian Diaspora and its Discontents” at the Columbia University, New York><Organization of the Face to face meeting in Berlin for the project “Underconstruction Tallinn connection”> <Presentation in the Conference Hackfem-East in the Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin>
City of Buenos Aires | Collection of the U.S. American Embassy in Armenia | Collection of the museum for contemporary art, Armenia | Collection of the Fundação das Casas de Fronteira e Alorna, Portugal | Fola, Fototeca Latinoamericana (Buenos Aires) | Collection Documentation Center of the Foundation Flight, Expulsion, Reconciliation (Berlin), Onassis Foundation, Collection of the National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens and private collections.